Having finished doing 10 mailart pieces for November 12 IUOMA Cat Day Mail Art exchange, this afternoon I posted them in envelopes - almost identical in design with only a little difference of small clippings added the last moment - to 9 participants + Michalis (a response) at Sirkeci Post Office.

The black cat tangram
(See top above) went to the lover of them: To produce a black cat, I tried a tangram shape. I see that tangram figures are almost shadows; they are faceless, expressionless. There should be sth worth to design these pieces in a humorous way but I haven’t known yet.

The old cartoon about a great dog show with a black cat went to the cat lover dog artist of course.

There are two identical pieces of a cat pondering: WHAT IF I (This will be a complete question about a mailart project soon I hope).

There is another twin cards of a sleeping cat.

And my four identical simple drawings of a cat on an envelope.
The last 8 cards are enveloped at random: I will see if the participants publish when they receive them.