
Outgoing postcard titled "Bookshelves Underground"

Collaged card sent in envelope for the Mail Art Exhibition
(“Being There, Without Being There" – IV edition), Italy.



Blogger Help Forum helped me save this blog

On the verge of deleting this blog because not being able to move the gadgets from bottom back to their original right-hand side place, I created a question and checked on Blogger Help Forum for similar problems. One blogger's question about almost the same problem is answered by Yoboy and that answer helped me too to solve my problem. The gadgets are all back now but having changed my original design for the while, now I will try to give my blog a nice look again. Yet that is no problem but fun. Many thanks to Yoboy!


Gadgets moved down, hope temporarily

After re-posting cat+ cards I received with darker background scan, my blog page happened to change into a different design: gadgets on the right-hand column all moved down to the bottom of the page. Can't solve the problem now; while trying even made the page dimensions larger. If not fixed naturally (that is googlly), then I will have to change template & everything I'm afraid. Any suggestions?
Thinking of moving to futuristanbul...