
Beyond the limit: Postcard arrives from Jan Theuninck, Belgium

(acrylic on canvas, 2004)

Beyond the limit

tempting is
the border area
hanging around
in the gray zone
watching the game
of back and forth
seeing how vanity
and power
push them
beyond the limit

by Jan Theuninck

Many thanks Jan.



31 December 2024 My Life is a Song ARGENTINA

31 December 2024 Sharing Beauty ITALY

31 December 2024 International Mail Art Show USA

31 December 2024 The Book of Dead PORTUGAL

31 December 2024 Let's Play PORTUGAL

30 December 2024 Free Palestine GREECE

23 December 2024 What does Christmas mean to you? BRAZIL

20 December 2024 Let's Hug the River ARGENTINA

06 December 2024 Kindness all around ITALY

02 December 2024 Climate crisis - Global warming TURKEY

30 November 2024 Free Space to Imagination ITALY

30 November 2024 African Portraits FRANCE - SENEGAL

25 November 2024 Elimination of Violence against Women ITALY

24 November 2024 Tribute to Doriano Rota ITALY

01 November 2024 Rediscovering kindness ITALY

28 October 2024 Pocket William RUSSIA

14 October 2024 Passion Love ITALY

30 September 2024 Mailart postcard AUSTRIA

30 September 2024 Birds and Nature BRAZIL

30 September 2024 Permutations ITALY

15 September 2024 Is everything we dump out garbage? TURKEY

15 September 2024 Earth of Olive TURKEY

13 September 2024 No:13 FINLAND

31 August 2024 Say it with flowers! FRANCE

15 August 2024 Food for Thought UK

31 July 2024 Wings for Peace ARGENTINA

31 July 2024 Dreamland GERMANY

15 July 2024 The Saint of Fools ITALY

15 July 2024 Utsanga ITALY

01 July 2024 Apollo - the God of Light ROMANIA

01 July 2024 Hope ROMANIA

30 June 2024 Rural World FRANCE

30 June 2024 The Fire ITALY

15 June 2024 Mail-art and social change GERMANY

15 June 22024 Free theme JAPAN

14 June 2024 Vine / Wine ITALY

10 May 2024 Artistamps UKRAINE

01 May 2024 Smile / Joy of living ITALY

01 May 2024 Black & white stories TURKEY

30 April 2024 Poetry is Resistance ARGENTINA

30 April 2024 The dawn of a new day ITALY

30 April 2024 Mini works TURKEY

26 April 2024 (R)Evolution GERMANY

05 April 2024 Italo Calvino ITALY

01 April 2024 Carnations for Freedom SPAIN

30 March 2024 "Black and White" Egg HUNGARY

21 March 2024 Hermann Hesse ITALY

10 March 2024 Luiz Sacilotto BRAZIL

29 February 2024 Repertoire HUNGARY

28 February 2024 Food for body and mind ITALY

24 February 2024 What makes you happy?! GERMANY

20 February 2024 The Messiah ROMANIA

15 February 2024 There is no Planet B CROATIA

15 February 2024 Borders ITALY

14 February 2024 Hearts USA

31 January 2024 Inspiration GERMANY

31 January 2024 Alien stuff ITALY

30 January 2024 Emergency of Beauty ITALY 


Mailart project in Italy: Angels

The participation is free. 
The theme is : Angels 
The technique is free (drawing, painting, boxes, collage etc...NO DIGITAL) any size. The images must have on the back the author's name and surname, title, technique. No return will be provided. The images will not have any other type of use if not the purpose of the project itself. 
Participation in the announcement implies full acceptance of all the articles and clauses of this regulation. Works that carry racial, pedo-pornographic or offensive contents will not be admitted. 
An exhibition will be possible at the date and place that will be defined. The images will be published on instagram and the following blog. 
For informations contact the following blog. 
Works must be sent by mail, franked or in a sealed evelope. 
DEADLINE: 31ST MARCH 2025, at this adress: 
50142 FIRENZE 
More on the blog: mailangels .


OPEN CALL: Global warming and climate crisis 2024, Turkey

Global warming and climate crisis
- The exhibition is open to all national and international art lovers. There is no participation fee. 
Each participant can participate with a maximum of two works. Work/works should be sent to; 
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif TARLAKAZAN, 
Kastamonu University, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, 37150 
Kuzeykent Campus / KASTAMONU, via postal mail. 
* However, due to the increase in timing and international postal expenses, international participants can send their works via e-mail ( basvuru@artanddesignplatform.com ). (*Only valid for participants outside Türkiye
- Works should not exceed A4 (21x29.7 cm) size. 
Any technique such as painting, drawing, pattern, original printing, photography, digital art, collage, etc. can be applied. 
Works must have a stamp or stamp(sic) on them. 
- The works sent must be original. 
Works that are not appropriate for the subject, copied, partially or completely similar to other works and artificial intelligence applications will not be accepted. 
Racist, fanatic, pornographic, gender discriminatory works will not be included in the exhibition. 
- Those who send works to the exhibition must add the participant's: 
Name and Surname, 
Name of the Work, 
Year of Production, 
(if any; facebook, instagram, website, etc.) contact information on the back of their works. 
- The exhibition will be physically exhibited in the exhibition hall of Kastamonu University Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, digitally on “artanddesignplatform.com” and will be shared via social media and digital platforms. 
(The right to change the planning, location and date of the physical exhibition belongs to Kastamonu University Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Graphic Design Department) 
- Works participating in the exhibition will not be returned. 
After the works are exhibited, they will be included in the inventory of the Graphic Design Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design of Kastamonu University and archived. 
All rights of the submitted works, such as publication, exhibition and use in printed or digital media, will belong to the Graphic Design Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design of Kastamonu University. Those who send works to participate in the exhibition are deemed to have accepted these conditions. 
- The works to be sent will not be used as a commercial commodity. Participants are deemed to have accepted that the submitted works have no commercial value. 
- An electronic participation certificate will be issued to the participants whose works are exhibited and an e-catalog will be published. 
- No responsibility is accepted for delays, damages and losses that may occur through mail. 
Work Submission Deadline: 02 December 2024 
Exhibition Date: December 23-27, 2024