
Call to participate: Mail Art Underground, Italy

Mail Art Underground
Send to:
“Mail Art Underground” 
 Via del Favarone 18 
 06126 Perugia (Italia) 

Deadline extended: 01 JULY 2020
Exibition July 18th - August the 8th
Perugia - Ipogeo dei Volumni
Via Assisana, 53
and online www.mail-art.it .


MA call: International Mail Art Project "ICTUS", Spain


ICTUS is the leading cause of Acquired Brain Damage (DCA).
On the other hand, on October 29, the World Day to Fight against Stroke (ACV) is commemorated. 

In rehabilitation, after two months of an Stroke, the “Taller de Zenón” has decided to request the collaboration of all the mailartists in the world and their grain of sand for recovery.

The topic, the theme, will be about “ICTUS”, from any perspective.
Size: from post card (A6) to A4.
Free technique, original works, photocopies are not allowed.
Deadline: September 1st, 2020 (EXTENDED:) 20 October 2020
No jury. No fees. No return.
All the received work will be exhibited in a blog created ad hoc (mailart-ictus.blogspot.com)
Reply to all.

Send your participation to: 

Miguel Jimenez - El Taller de Zenon 
C/Virgen de la Guia 1, 4ºC 
ES-41008 Sevilla España