
Bruno Chiarlone, Italy

July 31 is the new deadline for the mailart project "I Belong"

Mailart in the POB

Orange mailart from Heleen and Momcat, Malerwinkelhaus mailart call from Halbritter, also envelope from Bruno, Future City catalogs + mailart call card I BELONG with new deadline 31 JULY. Thank you all: I will try my best!


Diakonie magazin from Norbert Koczorski, Germany

Klaus Staeck, Andreas Pitz, and Norbert Koczorski had an interview about the Georg Büchner mail art project exhibition they have organised which is published in the Diakonie magazin no 1/2014. The editors of the magazine kindly financed the shipment of the issue to the project participants. Thank you all.

Summer solstice mailart with seeds included from Cascadia Artpost

Collaged pentagonal card from Dean, Artist in Seine, Paris, France