Thank you Johann.
Everything sent/received by post by Kemal Ozyurt, P.K.407 Sirkeci PTT, 34115 Fatih Istanbul, TURKEY.
Call for MA exhibition in Italy: EUREKA! The Global Goals
"It is with great pleasure that I communicate to you the new collaboration with the "Milano Green Forum" event which will be held from 12 to 14 September 2019 at the prestigious MiCo - Milan Convention Center. In addition to hosting a personal exhibition of mine, they gave all the artists the opportunity to create a small work of mail art (strictly in a 14x14 cm square format) to create a 'wall mosaic', a collage of small works from all over the world.
The works will form an itinerant collection, proposed later in further locations."
Diego Racconi
For more information :
Deadline: 10 September 2019
Cards in envelope arrive from Juraj Jonke, Croatia
Card in envelope arrives from Edna Toffoli, Brazil
1st Mail Art Exhibition in Jemeppe-sur-Sambre, Belgium
Postal Art Exhibition in Jemeppe-sur-Sambre, Belgium
Dates : from December 6th to December 8th 2019Organizers : AJR ( Artistes Jemeppois Réunis / Union of Artists from Jemeppe).
Postal Art or Mail Art consists in sending things that must IMPERATIVELY be dropped in a letterbox.
Techniques are free ( collage, painting, drawing, photo, use of material or paper...).
Sharp things and perishable foods are forbidden.
Organizers may refuse sendings which could be obscene, racist or pornographic. They are not responsible either for loss, damage or delay.
There is no competition, nor judge.
Works are property of AJR and will be admired during the
Postal Art Exhibition ( from December 6th to 8th)
at the Cultural Centre of Jemeppe-sur-Sambre.
Photos and report will be published on the Facebook page of « Club Art Postal de Jemeppe » and on the AJR group.2.Creation and transmission of the envelope.
The theme is TRAVEL (by road, by sea, by air ; fantasy is also admitted).
Closing date : 31/10/2019
Sizes : C4 = 23x32 / C5 = 23x11 / C6 = 16x11,5.
The envelope must travel into the open and be sufficiently stamped.
What is to be seen on your envelope:
- First side: you may choose your addressee, but their address must be legible and full (do not forget postcode and country).
The stamp can be part of your work or not.
- On the back: address of sender must be legible and full.
Addresses of the addressees : according to your preference, one sending for each address :
Brosteaux Francis
Maes Sylvianne 69 Rue des Ecoles, B5190 Saint Martin (Belgium)
Ypersiel Eliane
Print postcard received from Jan Theuninck, Belgium
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