
Asymmetry mailart from Horvath Piroska, Austria

Couldn't scan the third piece that needs drying.
Thank you Horvath.

Asymmetry mailart arrives from Antonia Mayol Castello, Spain

"By the sea"
Thank you Antonia.

Asymmetry mailart from Tamara Wyndham, the USA

(from petroglyph).
Tamara Wyndham's website here.
Thank you Tamara.

Asymmetry mailart received from Sabela Bana, Spain

Thank you Sabela.

Feel Mail arrives in envelope from Carien van Hest, the Netherlands

Feel mailart in the small haptic envelope.
Thank you Carien.

Feel Mail postcard arrives from Pam Chavez, the USA

The wonderful hedgehog print cloth is sewn-on the card.
Feel the haptic poetry indeed.
Pam Chavez website here.
Thank you Pam.