Mail Art project "BELLEZZA / BEAUTY"
The theme includes all the possible meanings of this word, such as the beauty of a place or an environment, the beauty of an artwork or nature, the physical beauty of a person, the beauty of a thing, the inner beauty, etc … and was chosen to pay homage and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the ratification of the World Heritage Convention, adopted by the general conference of UNESCO on November 16, 1972, with the aim of recalling the importance of cultural heritage and environmental as a link between past and future, and to enhance its beauty and importance for humanity. Partecipation will be open until 17 June 2022
The invitation is open to all artists, regardless of age, level or ability, from every country in the world, who are invited to express themselves on the theme “Beauty“.
Participation is free and all artistic, pictorial and graphic techniques are allowed, including engravings and photo processing.
Maximum 2 works per artist
The works can be sent by mail in paper format or by mail in digital format. No return. No jury. No selection. We do not accept racist, pornographic, blasphemous, sexist works, etc …
How to send:
– Size: A6 postcard (15×10 cm)
– Clearly indicate: TITLE of the work, NAME, SURNAME, postal ADDRESS and E-MAIL on the back of the postcard.
– Photocopies or works on thin paper or photographic paper are not allowed.
– It is free to choose whether to send in an envelope or without.
– Send to:
Associazione ECHORAMA
Via Principe 5
– Send to email:
– Minimum size: at least 1.000 pixels on the shorter side (smaller or poor quality photos are not accepted)
– Clearly indicate: TITLE of the work, NAME, SURNAME and postal ADDRESS in the email
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