
Open Call "kreiseln", Germany

Dear friends of art, 
planning is already underway for the 2025 exhibition year, when there will be an extended group exhibition. The concept is as follows: The Kunstverein Eislingen is initiating an inter/national mail art campaign and exhibition. 
Mailart began in the 1960s when artists sent postcards inscribed with poems or drawings through the post rather than exhibiting or selling them through conventional commercial channels. Its origins can be found in Marcel Duchamp and Kurt Schwitters and the Italian futurists. But it was the New York artist Ray Johnson who, in the mid 1950s, posted small collages, prints of abstract drawings and poems to art world notables giving rise to what eventually became known as the New York Correspondence School. Mailart and can take a variety of forms including postcards, packages, faxes, emails and blogs. (vgl. www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/m/mail-art
This brief outline serves as inspiration and transfer for your own artistic work, which must take the following points into account: 
- Size of the work: from a minimum of A10 to a maximum of A4. 
- 1 work per participant, of course joint works are also possible. 
- The techniques are free: graphics, painting, photography, watercolor, collage, mixed media ... 
- The theme is "kreiseln" – we are curious to see what artistic ideas you can come up with for this rare verb. 
- You are welcome to sign the work, give it a title, stamp it, etc. 
- Back of the artwork: Please make sure to include a legible name + valid address + email address if applicable. 
- The artwork must be able to be sent by post in an envelope, i.e. it should be "flat goods"; the work is realized on paper, thin cardboard or similar. Of course, the design of the envelope may already reveal that art is on its way. But please send it in such a way that Deutsche Post will actually deliver it. No parcels please, as these cannot be delivered to the gallery. 
- The deadline is June 20, 2025; we will not be able to consider submissions received after this date. 
- Address: 
Kunstverein Eislingen 
Galerie in der Alten Post 
Boris Kerenski 
Bahnhofstraße 12 
D-73054 Eislingen 
As usual with mailart calls, you will NOT receive the work back, as the individual contribution is/will be part of the overall project. We will also have to forego the administrative effort of insuring the work. 
Mailart contributions will be shown from 08.11.–07.12.2025 in the Galerie Alte Post in the Kunstverein Eislingen, the vernissage will take place on 07.11.2025 at 7 pm. After the exhibition, the board will decide to which suitable institution the contributions from the mail art campaign should be handed over. This could be, for example, the collection of the city of Eislingen. 
We have also made a firm commitment to the good practice of documentation in the form of a publication (catalog). All participants should receive a specimen copy. 
Please send any questions to: kunstverein-eislingen@gmx.de 
With best wishes
Boris Kerenski.


Asymmetry works arrive from Indiana, the USA

N. Raen Mendez from University of Southern Indiana
sent a group of works for my project "Asymmetry".
Thank you Nancy and the contributing artists all.
David M. Lloveras
Kayla Allen
Mikayla Sutterfield
Kamryn Johnson
Eli Fossett
Shelley Trotter
Derek Helmer
Hadison Kurtz.

Postcard arrives from Elvio Petrecca, Italy

Thank you Elvio.

Received document of international mailart project "Homage to Pablo Picasso"

Received document of Lutz Anders' international mail art project "Homage to Pablo Picasso". 304 artists from 43 countries sent in their works. The images of the received mailart works are published on both sides of three A3 sheets: below is scanned only a half of a side of one sheet . Lutz also added three pieces of the special artistamp with my contributing work on it. He has a new mail art project for this year (2024) as well: "Dreamland". 
Thank you very much Lutz. 
(Click on the image to enlarge)



31 December 2023 Vasyl Krychevskyi UKRAINE

31 December 2023 What art are you? ITALY

15 December 2023 Nature and me BELGIUM

30 November 2023 Climate change GERMANY

04 November 2023 Kopernikus 550 MACEDONIA

02 November 2023 Skull PORTUGAL

01 November 2023 Selfportrait NETHERLANDS

31 October 2023 Dia de Muertos MEXICO

29 October 2023 Out of the window: My world ITALY

15 October 2023 Signed, Sealed, Delivered USA

30 September 2023 Mental Health Colors ITALY

30 September 2023 Queen or King ITALY

30 September 2023 Pinocchio ITALY

30 September 2023 Suburbia RUSSIA

23 September 2023 Activism SPAIN

15 September 2023 The Mosaic ITALY

15 September 2023 Nature TURKEY

10 September 2023 Free topic SERBIA

01 September 2023 Tribute to Ibirico: Free theme SPAIN

31 August 2023 Collecting and Reassembling CANADA

31 August 2023 Sources of strength GERMANY

31 August 2023 Outside the box FRANCE

31 August 2023 Peace on Earth BRAZIL

31 August 2023 Vegetables HUNGARY

31 August 2023 The War ITALY

30 August 2023 Sun and Sea ROMANIA

30 August 2023 Dream archive GREECE

29 August 2023 Sustainable Development ITALY

01 August 2023 Jazz SPAIN

31 July 2023 Homage to P. Picasso GERMANY

30 July 2023 Is contemporary art a prison? ITALY

01 July 2023 The Women ROMANIA

01 July 2023 The Map and Cartography FRANCE

30 June 2023 Our Mail Monster URUGUAY

19 June 2023 I live in a castle FRANCE

01 June 2023 (No) Plastic NETHERLANDS

30 May 2023 Library of the future GERMANY

01 May 2023 Dada 3. Mail Art RUSSIA

30 April 2023 Augustin Lesage FRANCE

30 April 2023 Utopia ITALY

28 April 2023 Paper + Post US

25 April 2023 Tempus Fugit ITALY

15 April 2023 Orange BELGIUM

31 March 2023 Leaving a Mark SPAIN

30 March 2023 Egg as a form, shape, pattern HUNGARY

04 March 2023 4Subsequent ITALY

03 March 2023 Bella Ciao ITALY

28 February 2023 Women and Education SPAIN

19 February 2023 In the Sign of Women ITALY

15 February 2023 Women's Rights FRANCE

31 January 2023 Philately & Mail Ar Call CANADA

22 January 2023 Ukranian Embroidery Art ITALY