
Mailart call: Against Trafficking in Women

Hello how are you? . I send the call looks and Postcards to perform at the Fourth Meeting of Artists for Nonviolence Against Women in November this year in the city of Bahia Blanca, Argentina, in cases Those interested are, this particular project will work on the issue of trafficking in women, raising awareness through the Art, shipping is only by mail, this project will be displayed in several countries either through video projections, slides, as by sending mail to samples galleries, museums, public spaces and / or classrooms, the idea is to create an information network through art.
The previous project looks and Postcards-For Nonviolence Against Women, received a call from 152 people from 25 countries and a total of 256 postal artísticas. miradasypostales.blogspot.com.ar.
Saludos Cordiales
Olga Corrales
We appreciate the participation and dissemination of proyectoMAIL ART-ART POSTCARD - CALL 2013 - LOOKS AND POST - Against Trafficking in Women - for the IV Meeting of Artists for Non Violence Against Women in November-Bahia Blanca- Argentina.
The diffusion Thanks summons was invited artists-not to make Mail Art Artists. Reflecting the situation Socio-Economic-Policy on Trafficking in women in their countries, to the "Meeting of Artists for No Violence Against Women" to be held in Bahia Blanca, Argentina, in November 2013 on the International Day for Against Violence Against Women.
Techniques: Free (photographs, collage, paintings, prints, writings, poems, etc.
All writings, poems, verses, phrases, must be passed to English and Spanish.
Size: Free Qty: Free
Closing Date Received: 11/1/2014
No jury, no returns, no marketing.
All entries will be published on-line in the blog - miradasypostales.blogspot.com.ar.
We'll select all entries received except those that do not qualify the criteria of the proposed theme, by the intention is to raise awareness through of Art.
Participation in this competition is free and implies knowledge and full acceptance of the conditions of it.
The Post should be submitted in a sealed envelope with personal data to this address Argentina: Olga Corrales
Email: corralesolga@hotmail.com
Address: Libertad n ° 3756-Ing White Bahia Blanca-Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina C. P. 8103
IMPORTANT: Send JPG format images (preferably not too heavy) to the following e mail: corralesolga@hotmail.com
They will be uploaded to the blog


VI Biennale Mail Art 2014 with theme: Love

Theme: LOVE

free size
qualsiasi dimensione

no return
le opere ricevute non saranno restituite

doc. on line: www.guzzardi.it/arte/pagine/amore.html
doc. on line: www.guzzardi.it/arte/pagine/amore.html

Deadline: Last week of August
Scadenza: Ultima settimana di Agosto

all works must be sent by post
tutti i lavori devono essere spediti per posta

dont’ forget your photo, some lines of biography, address and e-mail address
non dimenticarti una tua foto, una breve biografia, indirizzo postale ed e-mail

send to:
spedisci a:

by Claudio Grandinetti
Via Popilia N° 208/B
87100 Cosenza


Encarted mailart from Aristide 3108, France

Mail Art Call: A Pink Postcard

Mail Art Call 2013: a PINK postcard
Pink is a color associated with ethereal, sweet, nice and means love and innocence.
Subject: Pink color. Small format (10x15cm). Free technique. Send by airmail. Do NOT use ENVELOPE (must have postmark)
Deadline: February 28th, 2014.
The postcard will be published on this blog ( http://igakuseimailart.wordpress.com ), making reference to the author. Offensive material will not be published. Submissions will feature in a future exhibition. No returns. Documentation will be sent to participants. Please, indicate your name, address and email on each postcard.
Send to:
J. L. Hernández Galán ( igakusei )
PO Box 6236. Zip Code 41080.
Seville. Spain


Postcard to Brandstifter for the project "Visions of Europe"

Catalog arrives from Norbert Koczorski: "Friede den Hütten"

The exhibition catalog of the mailart project "200 Jahre Georg Büchner" is 21x21 cm in size and has 64 color pages. 136 mailartists from 25 countries sent in over 200 works for the project in Germany. Thank you Norbert Koczorski. My contribution in the catalog here.