
Mail art call from Patagonia, Argentina : Borders

The Direction of Visual Arts of the Secretary of State for Culture of the province of Santa Cruz summons visual artists to participate in a mail art exhibition in August 2018 in the city of Río Gallegos.
Those interested should send one or more works related to the topic “borders", via postal mail, to:
Complejo Cultural Santa Cruz 
Ramón y Cajal no. 51, Río Gallegos (Z.C.9400), 
prov. of Santa Cruz, Argentina. 
All techniques (drawing, engraving, painting, collage, digital art, photography, etc.) will be accepted in postal size (10 X 15 cm).
The works received will become part of the heritage of the Secretary and will also be published on its website.
Also, the following information must be attached: Name and surname, ID, mail, postal address.
Shipments will be received until July 29st.
Queries to muestrasartesvisuales@gmail.com or Facebook.com/artesvisualessantacruz.


Mailart call: Blowing in the Wind

MaiL’Art Controvento da appendere affinché
Blowin' In The Wind:)
deadline: july 15th 2018
send to:
Via del Municipio 4,
06022 Fossato di Vico
(Perugia) ITALY
or to
all shown, no return
final exibition in Fossato di Vico
and perugiamusica.



31 December 2017 My River PORTUGAL

31 December 2017 Free Theme BRAZIL

16 December 2017 Kurt Schwitters GERMANY

15 December 2017 Abroad ... at Home GERMANY

31 October 2017 Arti fictional Intelli- Gents GERMANY

20 October 2017 Irises RUSSIA

20 September 2017 Imaginary Gardens FRANCE

01 September 2017 Post-truth UK

01 September 2017 Make Public CANADA

31 August 2017 Hope-Faith-Love GERMANY

30 August 2017 Russian Revolution ARGENTINA

21 August 2017 (DIS)Borders BRAZIL

15 August 2017 Grape Harvest ITALY

31 July 2017 Funny Face FINLAND

31 July 2017 Martin Luther GERMANY

20 July 2017 Unite for Peace COLOMBIA

30 June 2017 A Kingdom for Dada FRANCE

15 June 2017 Lex-icon GREECE

01 June 2017 Sweet as a Peach HUNGARY

31 May 2017 Confluences ITALY

31 May 2017 Confinement-Imprisonment FRANCE

20 May 2017 Velimir Khlebnikov RUSSIA

05 May 2017 The Wall ARGENTINA

01 May 2017 Aphasia USA

01 May 2017 Faces GERMANY

01 May 2017 Still Life BRAZIL

01 May 2017 Altered Book Pages GREECE

14 April 2017 Free theme Turda, Romania

31 March 2017 Time and Clocks USA

30 March 2017 Visual Poetry ARGENTINA

01 February 2017 D. Quixhote and S. Pancha PORTUGAL

31 January 2017 Showing me home GERMANY

31 January 2017 Love and hearts ITALY

30 January 2017 Mushrooms World SPAIN