
New mail art project: What art are you?

Dadaism? Futurism? Expressionism? Surrealism?
What art are you? 
Format free 
No jury, no return 
Deadline 31-12-2023 
Send your work to 
c/c Silvano Pertone 
Via nuova cantalupo 42a/1 
17019 varazze, Sv, italy.


Exhibition cards arrive from Lars Schumacher, Germany

Received two exhibition cards, one signed by the participating artists.
The stamp on the second one has a wonderful image of a mail art boat!
Thank you Lars and the collaborating artists.


New Mail Art call from Italy : Human is Right!

The school becomes an exhibiting space for contemporary art, creating a dialogue that inspires ideas, critical thinking and creativity turning it into an art expression. Certain that the most powerful tool to change the world is Education, the Vito Scafidi secondary school invites you to take part in this meaningful mail art project: 
Human is right!
The title of the project indicates its main objective, using a word pun from Human to Human is Right: The fight against discriminations and respect for the human being in all the ways in which human beings are both similar and different. It means understanding and accepting the uniqueness of individuals, as well as respecting their differences. Diversity may include, but is not limited to gender identity, sexual orientation; age; ethnic origin; ancestry, culture; socio-economic status; religion; family status; mental and physical disability... using an artistic creative path that will end in an exhibition showcasing the works of our students and participating artists in May 2022. 
The exhibition will be in the premises of the Institute and students will be involved in the artistic process as artists and public. Join us!! 
These are our terms: 
• NO RE-SENDING: the postcards will not be returned to the authors 
• NO PARTICIPATION FEE: no participation fees are required, neither to the authors nor to the public of the exhibition which will be free to enter 
• NO SELECTION: all the works arrived will be exhibited
• FREE TECHNIQUE: you can use the technique you prefer for the creation of your postcard (photography, illustration, collage, mixed, etc. etc. 
• POSTCARD FORMAT: you must send us a work that is in a maximum size of 20x20cm  
• you can send us more postcards 
• DEADLINE: postcards must arrive by April 30, 2022 
• SEND: send the postcards to the address: 
Liceo Vito Scafidi 
via San Giorgio s/n 
10090 Sangano, Turin 
For further information: abcmarta@libero.it