
Mail Art Call: Self-care and Care for Others

Mail Art Call: Self-care and Care for Others
No fees
No jury
No returns
Free-choice technique
Size: about 4” x 6” (10 x 15 cm)
Theme: self-care and care for others
Deadline: January 15, 2022
Exhibition: April 2022 at Fondazione Pistoletto (Biella, Italy)
Open to all artists worldwide over 18 years of age. Max. 3 artworks
Indirizzo di spedizione / Shipping address
Mail Art ASL BI
Casella Postale 373
Ufficio Postale Biella Micca – 13900 
Biella (BI) ITALY


Envelope art of asymmetry arrives from Virginie Loreau, France

Thank you Virginie.

Asymmetry mailart in envelope from Marcjanna Wysocka, Poland

Thank you Marcjanna.

Asymmetry on envelope arrives from Christiane Carré, France

Thank you Christiane.

Asymmetry mailart arrives in envelope from Hacer Aktaş, Turkey

Thank you Hacer.

Asymmetry mailart in envelope from Dorian Ribas Marinho, Brazil

Thank you Dorian.

Postcard received from Lorenzo Rosselli, Switzerland

Thank you Lorenzo.