
Postcard from Bruno Chiarlone, Italy

A month's mailart in the POB

Received the catalog "Keep the Post Office Public" from Cascadia Artpost: very sorry could not receive in time the registered sending in November-December 2013, all my fault! Of course, Bruno Chiarlone sent me a card, and another arrives for the mail art project: I Belong. Will answer soon and scan as soon as the scanner works again I hope, after having the PC fixed recently! Many thanks to all!


Mail Art exhibition call: "The Tiber Valley", Sipicciano, Italy

The deadline is April 20th 2014 and the exhibition will be held in
Sipicciano, Viterbo on May 2014. You can find more information in the blog http://videquilibro.wordpress.com/mail-art/ and on their facebook page https://www.facebook.com/AssociazioneVidequiLibro .


Enveloped artistamps from Otto D Sherman, the States

Kostar Kravat 11 zine from Aristide 3108, France

Artistamps + add&pass from Bruno Chiarlone, Italy

Jean-Pierre Comes, France

"Visions of Bosch" catalog arrives from Mr Colori, Nederland

See my piece on page 18 (above) and blogged here.
The exhibition is blogged here also.

Mailart in the POB + catalog

"Visions of Bosch" catalog arrives from Mr Colori. Mail art from Otto D Sherman, Bruno Chiarlone, J-P Comes, D R Marinho, and Kostar Kravat 11 zine from Aristide 3108.
Many many thanks everyone!
Soon to scan and blog!