
Received print postcard from Jan Theuninck, Belgium

New World Order by Jan Theuninck.
"The New World Order is a feudal castle
hidden behind a facade of
Thank you Jan.


Late arrival of MA invitation card from Germany: Jubilee 40

The MA call for the 40th birthday of Culture Centre BÜZ
in Minden, Germany, arrives very late unfortunately.
Thank you the Culture Scouts.
Many happy returns.


Mailart arrives from Katerina Nikoltsou, Greece

Received in this envelope from Katerina a bookie (below) to ADD and KEEP with her announcement of Greek summer break: No mail art, no add/pass! The color artist trading card in the image is a piece by Sabela Bana, one of humorous add/pass things and artistamps arrived in the bookie. Thanks Kat.


Postcard arrives from Stephan J. Mitterwieser, Germany

Haven't been receiving much mailart lately, no wonder because I can't send any, busy with some health problems. How nice to get a painted postcard from a new mail artist! Thank you Stephan. The Bauhaus building on the stamp, the penguin-like figures, the stitching and the lively colors of the postcard are all refreshing.