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Everything sent/received by post by Kemal Ozyurt, P.K.407 Sirkeci PTT, 34115 Fatih Istanbul, TURKEY.
Open Mail Art Call: Monochromatic
Title: Monochromatic
Due Date: 2020-04-15
Exhibition open date 2020-04-20
Exhibition end date 2020-05-20
Submission address:
Ms. Szydlowski
480 James Ave.
Redwood City, CA 94062 USA
Full description:
Feel free to submit any art that follows the theme monochromatic! Our idea is that when we exhibit the artwork, we can arrange it by color to create a beautiful rainbow effect! Thank you so much if you choose to participate! We will also post all the art we receive on our Instagram account; @sequoiapostalart. We will tag you if you send your account name along with your art! We will also e-mail pictures of the exhibition should you send your e-mail along with your art!
Info email:
Media: Any media
Kid-friendly: School appropriate
Selection jury: False
Artwork will be sold: False
Returns: False
Any dimension!
Thank you so much! We greatly appreciate it!
--Sequoia Postal Art Club.
Due Date: 2020-04-15
Exhibition open date 2020-04-20
Exhibition end date 2020-05-20
Submission address:
Ms. Szydlowski
480 James Ave.
Redwood City, CA 94062 USA
Full description:
Feel free to submit any art that follows the theme monochromatic! Our idea is that when we exhibit the artwork, we can arrange it by color to create a beautiful rainbow effect! Thank you so much if you choose to participate! We will also post all the art we receive on our Instagram account; @sequoiapostalart. We will tag you if you send your account name along with your art! We will also e-mail pictures of the exhibition should you send your e-mail along with your art!
Info email:
Media: Any media
Kid-friendly: School appropriate
Selection jury: False
Artwork will be sold: False
Returns: False
Any dimension!
Thank you so much! We greatly appreciate it!
--Sequoia Postal Art Club.
Mailart Project: Building a better planet. More space to women!
Progetto Arte Postale
Tema “Costruire un pianeta migliore. Largo alle donne!”
Qualsiasi tecnica e dimensione
No restituzione
Nessuna scadenza
Tutto il materiale ricevuto verrà pubblicato sul sito web
PROGETTO INTERNAZIONALE DI ARTE POSTALE “Costruire un pianeta migliore. Largo alle donne!”
L’agire delle donne di tutto il mondo è volto a costruire un pianeta migliore. Offrire maggiori e migliori opportunità alle donne apre ad una più intensa e concreta speranza per tutti: per la conservazione di flora e fauna, per la salute del clima e per sanare l'economia. Il futuro è donna. Le donne profumano d’amore, sono positive, avvezze alla speranza e ad elargire fiducia. Sono fecon de, tutte, donano esistenza. Sono perseveranti, generose, sensibili, forti. Le donne generano, se vogliono; istruite sulla contraccezione, possono prendere parte consapevolmente alla procreazione. Le generazioni future sono già qui! Le donne si prendono cura della Terra, studiano, lavorano, hanno tempo per gli amici, per l’amore, hanno passioni, interessi. Le donne sono libere e desiderano gli uomini accanto.
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Mailart Project
MailArt call "Building a better planet. More space to women!"
Any technique and size
No return no deadline
All material received will be published on the website
INTERNATIONAL MAIL ART PROJECT "Building a better planet. More space to women!"
The action of women around the world is aimed at building a better planet. Offering more and better opportunities to women gives a more intense and concrete hope for everyone: for the conservation of flora and fauna, for climate’s health and to heal the economy. The future is female. Women smell of love, they are positive, accustomed to hope and to bestow trust. They are fecund, all of them, they give existence. They are persevering, generous, sensitive, strong. Women generate, if they want to; educated on contraception, they can consciously take part in procreation. Future generations are already here! Women take care of Earth, they study, work, have time for friends, for love, they have passions, interests. Women are free and want men by their side.
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Proyecto de arte postal
Tema "Construyendo un planeta mejor. ¡Abran paso a las mujeres!"
Cualquier técnica y tamaño
Sin retorno
Sin fecha límite
Todo el material recibido se publicará en el sitio web
PROYECTO INTERNACIONAL DE ARTE POSTAL “Construyendo un planeta mejor. ¡Abran paso a las mujeres!
La acción de las mujeres en todo el mundo tiene como objetivo construir un planeta mejor. Ofrecer más y mejores oportunidades a las mujeres abre una esperanza más intensa y concreta para todos: para la conservación de la flora y la fauna, para la salud del clima y para sanar la economía. El futuro es mujer. Las mujeres huelen a amor, son positivas, están acostumbradas a la esperanza y a confiar. Son fecundas, todas, dan existencia. Son perseverantes, generosas, sensibles, fuertes. Las mujeres generan si quieren; educadas sobre la anticoncepción, pueden participar conscientemente en la procreación. ¡Las futuras generaciones ya están aquí! Las mujeres cuidan la Tierra, estudian, trabajan, tienen tiempo para los amigos, para amar, tienen pasiones, intereses. Las mujeres son libres y quieren los hombres a su lado.
Enviar a
Tema “Costruire un pianeta migliore. Largo alle donne!”
Qualsiasi tecnica e dimensione
No restituzione
Nessuna scadenza
Tutto il materiale ricevuto verrà pubblicato sul sito web
PROGETTO INTERNAZIONALE DI ARTE POSTALE “Costruire un pianeta migliore. Largo alle donne!”
L’agire delle donne di tutto il mondo è volto a costruire un pianeta migliore. Offrire maggiori e migliori opportunità alle donne apre ad una più intensa e concreta speranza per tutti: per la conservazione di flora e fauna, per la salute del clima e per sanare l'economia. Il futuro è donna. Le donne profumano d’amore, sono positive, avvezze alla speranza e ad elargire fiducia. Sono fecon de, tutte, donano esistenza. Sono perseveranti, generose, sensibili, forti. Le donne generano, se vogliono; istruite sulla contraccezione, possono prendere parte consapevolmente alla procreazione. Le generazioni future sono già qui! Le donne si prendono cura della Terra, studiano, lavorano, hanno tempo per gli amici, per l’amore, hanno passioni, interessi. Le donne sono libere e desiderano gli uomini accanto.
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Mailart Project
MailArt call "Building a better planet. More space to women!"
Any technique and size
No return no deadline
All material received will be published on the website
INTERNATIONAL MAIL ART PROJECT "Building a better planet. More space to women!"
The action of women around the world is aimed at building a better planet. Offering more and better opportunities to women gives a more intense and concrete hope for everyone: for the conservation of flora and fauna, for climate’s health and to heal the economy. The future is female. Women smell of love, they are positive, accustomed to hope and to bestow trust. They are fecund, all of them, they give existence. They are persevering, generous, sensitive, strong. Women generate, if they want to; educated on contraception, they can consciously take part in procreation. Future generations are already here! Women take care of Earth, they study, work, have time for friends, for love, they have passions, interests. Women are free and want men by their side.
Send to
Proyecto de arte postal
Tema "Construyendo un planeta mejor. ¡Abran paso a las mujeres!"
Cualquier técnica y tamaño
Sin retorno
Sin fecha límite
Todo el material recibido se publicará en el sitio web
PROYECTO INTERNACIONAL DE ARTE POSTAL “Construyendo un planeta mejor. ¡Abran paso a las mujeres!
La acción de las mujeres en todo el mundo tiene como objetivo construir un planeta mejor. Ofrecer más y mejores oportunidades a las mujeres abre una esperanza más intensa y concreta para todos: para la conservación de la flora y la fauna, para la salud del clima y para sanar la economía. El futuro es mujer. Las mujeres huelen a amor, son positivas, están acostumbradas a la esperanza y a confiar. Son fecundas, todas, dan existencia. Son perseverantes, generosas, sensibles, fuertes. Las mujeres generan si quieren; educadas sobre la anticoncepción, pueden participar conscientemente en la procreación. ¡Las futuras generaciones ya están aquí! Las mujeres cuidan la Tierra, estudian, trabajan, tienen tiempo para los amigos, para amar, tienen pasiones, intereses. Las mujeres son libres y quieren los hombres a su lado.
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Call to participate: Mail Art Underground, Italy
Mail Art Underground
Send to:“Mail Art Underground”
Via del Favarone 18
06126 Perugia (Italia)
Deadline extended: 01 JULY 2020
Exibition July 18th - August the 8th
Perugia - Ipogeo dei Volumni
Via Assisana, 53
and online .
MA call: International Mail Art Project "ICTUS", Spain
ICTUS is the leading cause of Acquired Brain Damage (DCA).
On the other hand, on October 29, the World Day to Fight against Stroke (ACV) is commemorated.
In rehabilitation, after two months of an Stroke, the “Taller de Zenón” has decided to request the collaboration of all the mailartists in the world and their grain of sand for recovery.
The topic, the theme, will be about “ICTUS”, from any perspective.
Size: from post card (A6) to A4.
Free technique, original works, photocopies are not allowed.
Deadline: September 1st, 2020 (EXTENDED:) 20 October 2020
No jury. No fees. No return.
All the received work will be exhibited in a blog created ad hoc (
Reply to all.
Send your participation to:
Miguel Jimenez - El Taller de Zenon
C/Virgen de la Guia 1, 4ºC
ES-41008 Sevilla España
In: Derya Avcı, Turkey
2nd Mail Art Exhibition with theme "Nothing", Kastamonu 2020, Turkey
2nd Mail Art Exhibition 2020 with theme "Nothing"
1. The theme has been determined as “nothing”.2. You can join with up to 2 works.
3. Size should be maximum A4 size.
4. Painting, drawing, pattern, original printing, photography, digital art, collage etc. techniques are available.
5. The submitted works must be original. Participants should include their name, surname, technique, country and e-mail addresses on the back of their works.
6. The original prints and stamps should be on the works.
7. The works that are exhibited will not be returned. After the works are exhibited, all works will be included in the inventory of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Kastamonu University.
8. The images of the submitted works will be published on
9. "No commercial value" should be placed on the back of the submitted works.
10. Electronic participation certificate will be issued to the exhibitors whose works are exhibited and e-catalog will be published.
11. There is no participation fee. All rights of the submitted works will be transferred to Kastamonu University.
More on mailarthic.
Deadline extended: 20 MAY 2020.
31 December 2019 My Forest PORTUGAL
31 December 2019 Black Mermaids USA
31 December 2019 I'm here for you ARGENTINA
31 December 2019 Ray Johnson Double USA
31 December 2019 Against Repression ITALY
31 December 2019 Train No:1 RUSSIA
31 December 2019 Free theme GERMANY
31 December 2019 Free Mail Art ITALY
31 December 2019 Journal Pages USA
31 December 2019 Mailart to TAIWAN
15 December 2019 The "Fellinian" world ITALY
10 November 2019 Intimate Violence FRANCE
01 November 2019 Mushrooms PORTUGAL
01 November 2019 Acro-Gym BELGIUM
31 October 2019 I'm not the plastic man ITALY
31 October 2019 Lighthouses ARGENTINA
31 October 2019 Travel / Trip BELGIUM
31 October 2019 That's my milieu GERMANY
31 October 2019 The Wall RUSSIA
31 October 2019 Bauhaus 100 years SPAIN
31 October 2019 Artist's Menu ITALY
31 October 2019 Cactus SPAIN
31 October 2019 Original GREECE
30 October 2019 Los Migrantes COLOMBIA
28 October 2019 Falling Walls UK
01 October 2019 Our Body ARGENTINA
01 October 2019 What's living under my bed? USA
30 September 2019 Dare a Color Square Dance GERMANY
30 September 2019 Who is animal? BRAZIL
30 September 2019 Free theme ARGENTINA
30 September 2019 Cinema ARGENTINA
16 September 2019 Man on the Moon CROATIA
15 September 2019 Coffee on the Mountain BRAZIL
15 September 2019 So Happy? FRANCE
15 September 2019 Humanitas ITALY
10 September 2019 Eureka! ITALY
10 September 2019 Legends and Myths USA
09 September 2019 Dada / Fluxus / Mail Art BELGIUM
31 August 2019 The Moon ITALY
31 August 2019 Once upon a time FRANCE
31 August 2019 Fight your windmills BELGIUM
30 August 2019 Stop being normal BRAZIL
20 August 2019 Food, Wine & Culture PORTUGAL
20 August 2019 Structures USA
31 July 2019 Island TURKEY
30 July 2019 At the beginning of 21st century SERBIA
20 July 2019 Woman ARGENTINA
15 July 2019 The Dada Dice ARGENTINA
13 July 2019 Sea, Fire, and Human GREECE
30 June 2019 Correspondance FRANCE
30 June 2019 Anachronism TURKEY
25 June 2019 Mailart che spacca ITALY
21 May 2019 Galileo Galilei R. MACEDONIA
20 May 2019 The Birds of the Air GERMANY
15 May 2019 Postmodern TURKEY
01 May 2019 Think Global - Act Local (B&W) GERMANY
30 April 2019 Gold-beater-city Schwabach GERMANY
30 April 2019 1824: German Immigration in Brazil
30 April 2019 We Dada Wonderful Shozo ITALY
30 April 2019 Leonardo da Vinci ITALY
30 April 2019 Freedom THE NETHERLANDS
31 March 2019 The Monk THE NETHERLANDS
31 March 2019 E-mail only USA
30 March 2019 Landscape ITALY
15 March 2019 Mandible USA
28 February 2019 Landscapes ITALY
15 February 2019 Onward USA
14 February 2019 Tea Time again! USA
31 December 2019 Black Mermaids USA
31 December 2019 I'm here for you ARGENTINA
31 December 2019 Ray Johnson Double USA
31 December 2019 Against Repression ITALY
31 December 2019 Train No:1 RUSSIA
31 December 2019 Free theme GERMANY
31 December 2019 Free Mail Art ITALY
31 December 2019 Journal Pages USA
31 December 2019 Mailart to TAIWAN
15 December 2019 The "Fellinian" world ITALY
10 November 2019 Intimate Violence FRANCE
01 November 2019 Mushrooms PORTUGAL
01 November 2019 Acro-Gym BELGIUM
31 October 2019 I'm not the plastic man ITALY
31 October 2019 Lighthouses ARGENTINA
31 October 2019 Travel / Trip BELGIUM
31 October 2019 That's my milieu GERMANY
31 October 2019 The Wall RUSSIA
31 October 2019 Artist's Menu ITALY
31 October 2019 Cactus SPAIN
31 October 2019 Original GREECE
30 October 2019 Los Migrantes COLOMBIA
28 October 2019 Falling Walls UK
01 October 2019 Our Body ARGENTINA
01 October 2019 What's living under my bed? USA
30 September 2019 Dare a Color Square Dance GERMANY
30 September 2019 Who is animal? BRAZIL
30 September 2019 Free theme ARGENTINA
30 September 2019 Cinema ARGENTINA
16 September 2019 Man on the Moon CROATIA
15 September 2019 Coffee on the Mountain BRAZIL
15 September 2019 So Happy? FRANCE
15 September 2019 Humanitas ITALY
10 September 2019 Eureka! ITALY
10 September 2019 Legends and Myths USA
09 September 2019 Dada / Fluxus / Mail Art BELGIUM
31 August 2019 The Moon ITALY
31 August 2019 Once upon a time FRANCE
31 August 2019 Fight your windmills BELGIUM
30 August 2019 Stop being normal BRAZIL
20 August 2019 Food, Wine & Culture PORTUGAL
20 August 2019 Structures USA
01 August 2019 Draw Me Your Favorite Book UK
31 July 2019 Island TURKEY
20 July 2019 Woman ARGENTINA
15 July 2019 The Dada Dice ARGENTINA
13 July 2019 Sea, Fire, and Human GREECE
30 June 2019 Correspondance FRANCE
30 June 2019 Anachronism TURKEY
25 June 2019 Mailart che spacca ITALY
20 June 2019 Final Burial SPAIN
20 May 2019 The Birds of the Air GERMANY
15 May 2019 Postmodern TURKEY
01 May 2019 Think Global - Act Local (B&W) GERMANY
30 April 2019 1824: German Immigration in Brazil
30 April 2019 We Dada Wonderful Shozo ITALY
30 April 2019 Freedom THE NETHERLANDS
31 March 2019 The Monk THE NETHERLANDS
31 March 2019 E-mail only USA
30 March 2019 Landscape ITALY
15 March 2019 Mandible USA
28 February 2019 Landscapes ITALY
15 February 2019 Onward USA
14 February 2019 Tea Time again! USA
New Year greeting cards from Antonia Mayol Castello, Spain
Inside me
in the dark vastness
eclipsing planets,
satellites and asteroids.
I observe,
subtle star lights,
the rhythmic flickering of the pulsars.
And finally, I dissolve myself
in nothing ambiguous
of a black hole.
Thank you Antonia.
Best wishes for 2020.
Dare a Colour Square Dance catalog arrives from Germany
Janus Mail Art catalog 14: "Dare a Colour Square Dance" is designed and published in Berlin, Germany in November 2019. It was the project I contributed with a collage. Thank you to Eberhard Janke, the curating artist of the project for sending me this color catalog. 12.5x21 cm in size, it has 36 pages, covers included.
"As a reminder: the format constraint of this project, yet not the theme, has been equal image height and width. The actual theme has been to dare a square dance/let (of/with/within colour/ed squares) - thus literally correspondance.
Squaredance is known as a Northamerican folk dance, engaging four couples located opposite each other in a square formation - where they perform moves and changes according to instructions of a caller - thus literally call & response." (From the Editorial)
No less than 190 contributors from 36 countries sent in their work. From Turkey the works of the following artists are published in the catalog: Meral Ağar, Derya Avcı, and Kemal Özyurt.
Also the new project for 2020 is called: The Unleashed TheARTre.
"As a reminder: the format constraint of this project, yet not the theme, has been equal image height and width. The actual theme has been to dare a square dance/let (of/with/within colour/ed squares) - thus literally correspondance.
Squaredance is known as a Northamerican folk dance, engaging four couples located opposite each other in a square formation - where they perform moves and changes according to instructions of a caller - thus literally call & response." (From the Editorial)
No less than 190 contributors from 36 countries sent in their work. From Turkey the works of the following artists are published in the catalog: Meral Ağar, Derya Avcı, and Kemal Özyurt.
Also the new project for 2020 is called: The Unleashed TheARTre.
Mailart to Antonia Mayol Castello, Spain: Neck on the roof, a collage
Antonia's mailart blog is espresartemailart.
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