
Postcard arrives from Elvio Petrecca, Italy

Thank you Elvio.

Received document of international mailart project "Homage to Pablo Picasso"

Received document of Lutz Anders' international mail art project "Homage to Pablo Picasso". 304 artists from 43 countries sent in their works. The images of the received mailart works are published on both sides of three A3 sheets: below is scanned only a half of a side of one sheet . Lutz also added three pieces of the special artistamp with my contributing work on it. He has a new mail art project for this year (2024) as well: "Dreamland". 
Thank you very much Lutz. 
(Click on the image to enlarge)



31 December 2023 Vasyl Krychevskyi UKRAINE

31 December 2023 What art are you? ITALY

15 December 2023 Nature and me BELGIUM

30 November 2023 Climate change GERMANY

04 November 2023 Kopernikus 550 MACEDONIA

02 November 2023 Skull PORTUGAL

01 November 2023 Selfportrait NETHERLANDS

31 October 2023 Dia de Muertos MEXICO

29 October 2023 Out of the window: My world ITALY

15 October 2023 Signed, Sealed, Delivered USA

30 September 2023 Mental Health Colors ITALY

30 September 2023 Queen or King ITALY

30 September 2023 Pinocchio ITALY

30 September 2023 Suburbia RUSSIA

23 September 2023 Activism SPAIN

15 September 2023 The Mosaic ITALY

15 September 2023 Nature TURKEY

10 September 2023 Free topic SERBIA

01 September 2023 Tribute to Ibirico: Free theme SPAIN

31 August 2023 Collecting and Reassembling CANADA

31 August 2023 Sources of strength GERMANY

31 August 2023 Outside the box FRANCE

31 August 2023 Peace on Earth BRAZIL

31 August 2023 Vegetables HUNGARY

31 August 2023 The War ITALY

30 August 2023 Sun and Sea ROMANIA

30 August 2023 Dream archive GREECE

29 August 2023 Sustainable Development ITALY

01 August 2023 Jazz SPAIN

31 July 2023 Homage to P. Picasso GERMANY

30 July 2023 Is contemporary art a prison? ITALY

01 July 2023 The Women ROMANIA

01 July 2023 The Map and Cartography FRANCE

30 June 2023 Our Mail Monster URUGUAY

19 June 2023 I live in a castle FRANCE

01 June 2023 (No) Plastic NETHERLANDS

30 May 2023 Library of the future GERMANY

01 May 2023 Dada 3. Mail Art RUSSIA

30 April 2023 Augustin Lesage FRANCE

30 April 2023 Utopia ITALY

28 April 2023 Paper + Post US

25 April 2023 Tempus Fugit ITALY

15 April 2023 Orange BELGIUM

31 March 2023 Leaving a Mark SPAIN

30 March 2023 Egg as a form, shape, pattern HUNGARY

04 March 2023 4Subsequent ITALY

03 March 2023 Bella Ciao ITALY

28 February 2023 Women and Education SPAIN

19 February 2023 In the Sign of Women ITALY

15 February 2023 Women's Rights FRANCE

31 January 2023 Philately & Mail Ar Call CANADA

22 January 2023 Ukranian Embroidery Art ITALY


Collage in envelope arrives from Ilya Semenenko, Russia

Received this collaged card with a difficult question about its theme possibly hidden in a short poem. The alphabet, so the language is all Greek to me! Yet the shiny collage is a wonderful piece of mailart. Thank you Ilya.


Anachronism by Birgitta Volz, India

Birgitta sent this amazing card from India for the Anachronism project.
It seeems to be an interior scene from a shopping mall or else.
And the same image upside down below:
A couple dancing on the ceiling. Great!
Could that be a dummy couple hung out there?
I should apply the label "photo-collage" to this work,
otherwise impossible to explain the scene.
More of Birgitta's work on birgittavolz.de
Thank you Birgitta.


Late arrival of MA invitation card from Germany: Jubilee 40

The MA call for the 40th birthday of Culture Centre BÜZ
in Minden, Germany, arrives very late unfortunately.
Thank you the Culture Scouts.
Many happy returns.